How do you prioritize and handle the endless stream of things which demand your attention – CARPE.
When you have reviewed your action map and processed every outstanding task, physical and digital, using the CARPE approach, you have a solid foundation on which to build your future life. By committing your tasks to this trusted system, you allow yourself to focus entirely on the task in hand knowing that, by beginning with your Action Map, you have established specific steps that will build your long-term happiness. You will be free from haunting thoughts about what else you should be doing because everything else is in the system and your system will remind you when each task requires your attention.
But tomorrow new tasks will arise. And so too the day after and the day after that. The world around you will change bringing new opportunities and threats. You will change too, learning from your experiences and finding new sources of pleasure and purpose.
To handle, and anticipate, these changes you will need review sessions where you will look back at what has happened and forwards to decide what you will do in the future. In the Review section, we will consider 5 different types of review, each relating to a different time frame.