PLAN: Action Mapping

In the Planning sections we move through several stages:

  • develop visions of:
    • where you want to be in the future
    • how you would like things to be in the short-term
    • fine-tune your visions, taking into account:
      • opportunities and threats
      • your constraints
      • your resources
  • develop a structured overview of your visions: an action map – a plan to achieve each part of your vision
  • identify checklists, milestones, habits, alternative options and principles to support the implementation of your plan

Planning Overview

I hope that you found the One Life ‘Happiness’ section useful.

In this section, we will take your insights and develop an inspiring vision for you future. But, we won’t forget the present because we know that the more you enjoy the journey, the more likely it is that you will persevere to reach your destination.

We will use an approach called action mapping that enables you to capture all of your ideas and convert them into a structured plan.

However, we know that there are enormous chasms between vision, realistic plan and taking action; talk is cheap and there are many obstacles to overcome, some self-imposed. And so later topics will help you to make your plan a part of your everyday life through habits and checklists, efficient triage and a review system. We will also look at overcoming procrastination, attaining focused intensity and managing the endless stream of demands for your attention.